Sunday, January 16, 2011

back to school

Apparently I liked school so much I (Sav) couldn't stay away.  After a meager 7 months free of homework, papers, and tests,  I decided to go back and get my masters in occupational therapy.  So even though I'm only going to class one day a week this semester, I'm pretty pumped to start this new adventure! 

Occupational therapy is an awesome field, and I want to go into it so I too can be awesome.  My other main motivation is to help people gain back their independence.  In some of my job shadowing experiences, I watched therapists work with patients who have had strokes and help them redevelop the skills they needed to cook, write, and even play golf.  And that is why they are awesome.

I've also played around with the idea of going overseas after graduating and working in a country where therapy isn't as it is here in the U.S (not saying that our health system isn't in need of fixing, just saying that it could be a whole lot worse).  This organization looks pretty cool: Joni and Friends.  I don't know anything for sure right now, but I guess I have the next 3 years to work something out.

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