It is an endless seemingly futile battle I play out with myself, this act of dying to self. Odd that "Christ....although existing in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped..." whereas I find myself, while being totally inept and dependent upon God, act as if equality to God is a thing I can grasp. Any apparent chance I have to bolster my own pride I hold snatch up. But this is not true, not real. It is humility that I seek. Not a humiliation or degrading, but an intimacy with God that affirms my need of Him.
"Humility is not pretending you don't have gifts. Sometimes we confuse humility with a false modesty that gives little glory to the One who has given us the gifts. Humility is the recognition that who you are is a gift from God and so helps you to sit reasonable loosely to this gift. This lessens the likelihood of arrogance because the recognition that our abilities and talents are gifts and reminds us that they are not wholly ours and can be taken away. If we truly exulted in our gifts, we would also celebrate the gifts of other people and the diversity of talents that God has given all of us."
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu
"Humility is a principle and virtue that flows from love in its purest form."
-Christopher Heuertz
"The truly humble are perfectly obedient because they have renounced their own will."
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